From the International Association of Yoga Therapists, "Yoga therapy is the professional application of the principles and practices of yoga to promote health and well-being within a therapeutic relationship that includes personalized assessment, goal setting, lifestyle management, and yoga practices for individuals or small groups."

Heart and Wings Yoga provides both individual sessions and small group therapy for people with a common goal such as managing anxiety, developing a healthy body image, or improving sleep. Yoga therapy can be offered in collaboration with the work that counselors and social workers are doing to support students or that your medical team is providing.

By using tools within yoga therapy and health coaching, Stephanie will provide a holistic approach to help you achieve your wellness goals. Whether you want to reduce stress or anxiety, be more confident in your body, develop healthier coping strategies or have more energy for yourself and the people you love, you will get support around your physical, mental, and emotional health, as they all impact each other and your overall well-being.

Yoga therapy helps you to overcome your limiting beliefs and develop new patterns and habits to create the life you desire. Some of the yoga practices shared with clients include self-compassion, mindfulness, breathwork, self-study, asana (poses), setting boundaries, healthy habits, and meditation. Therapy sessions and tangible action steps provide clients with accountability and support as they take the steps towards reaching their goals.

"Yoga allows you to find an inner peace that is not ruffled and riled by the endless stresses and struggles of life." B.K.S. Iyengar

The first therapy session is organized around setting the goals of the client, the expectations for both therapist and client, and laying out the steps to reach those goals. By identifiying areas of imbalance through a whole person lens, the therapist guides the client towards balance using Yoga practices. The client will be able to work with these practices during sessions, as well as at home and in daily living. The following sessions provide time to review the goals, action(s) taken since the previous session, any challenges that may have come up, and new learnings to implement. Therapy sessions provide a safe space for clients to explore their emotions, experiences, and thoughts, free of judgment or shame. You will receive customized journal prompts, affirmations, action steps, and resources to support you along your journey.

“Empathy is simply listening, holding space, without judgment, emotionally connecting, and communicating that incredible healing message of ‘you are not alone'.” Brene Brown

If you are interested in taking the next step to learn more about yoga therapy, please send an email using our secure contact form.

Yoga therapy does not take the place of medical services, prescriptions, or other doctor recommendations. It can complement and support the goals set by your medical providers.